Kamis, 19 April 2018

Glutathione (GSH) The Miracle Protein

Glutathione (GSH) The Miracle Protein

Image source: https://www.topvitamins.nl/media/catalog/product/m/e/mercola-miracle-whey-protein-1.jpg

Glutathione (GSH) The Miracle Protein

Did you know that your body has over 20 Trillion cells? Not one of them is random and every cell has a certain mission. Each and every one of the 20 million cells is protected by glutathione, the miracle protein.

Our cells create their own fuel (ATP). When a cell does it creates it's own oxidative flame. A fire extinguisher is then need to put out the fire. That fire extinguisher is glutathione (GSH). Antioxidants are needed to put out this fire. Glutathione is your body's major antioxidant.

When cells are attacked by free radicals, damage to the cell occurs. This is cellular inflammation. Glutathione has been shown to slow down the effects of aging, strengthen our immune system, improve and detoxify our liver function, and reduce the odds of developing cancer. Glutathione also works to help improve mental functions, give you more energy, improve concentration, enable you to exercise more, and improve heart and lung function, and more.

The bad news is as we age our glutathione levels go down 8 to 15 percent per decade. That is how we fell aging. As we lose our glutathione levels, our cells in order to stay alive, turn the thermostat down (ATP). As a result we feel less energy and lose our ability to focus. Our muscle cells can't recover as fast.

Free radicals from our environment and through the foods we eat do not go down as we age. They just keep coming! So later on the free radicals start to win. Cellular inflammation kicks in and our bodies start to "get sick". The American Medical Association states that inflammation is the driving force for most disease.

For those who understand how Free Radicals "Steal" electrons from other cells... Vitamin E has......... 3 extra electrons to share Vitamin C has......... 5 extra electrons to share OPC's have.............. 250 extra electrons to share Glutathione has...... 1 million plus extra electrons to share

Glutathione (GSH) donates electrons to get rid of free radicals.

The Important Roles of Glutathione are: Create energy production, to make you feel years younger. Strengthen Your Immune System Detoxify Your Body At The Cellular Level Improve Peak Athletic Performance and work out recovery time. Fight Cellular Inflammation, to help your body from falling to major disease.

There has been so much said over the years as to the importance of antioxidants. Not to diminish vitamin E and C as antioxidants , but clearly our body's glutathione is the Master Antioxidant!

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